
Up2speed Printing Installs Mitsubishi 3000R Perfector

Up2speed Printing Installs Mitsubishi 3000R Perfector

RM Machinery Inc. announced that Up2speed Printing Inc. has added a six-color Mitsubishi 3000R convertible perfecting press, bought to facilitate growth. Up2speed Printing is a Hialeah, Fla.-based print shop that specializes in commercial and trade printing.

Dollar for dollar and dot for dot, the 40-inch Mitsubishi perfector is a superior press. The 3000R’s ability to print two-over-four jobs in the perfecting mode and six colors in the straight printing mode was very appealing to Up2speed Printing. It will allow Up2speed Printing to compete for larger, higher-quality jobs due to the sheet size, fast makeready speed and flawless image reproduction.

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